Build the exam prep bundle that is right for you. These fully customizable study bundles come with our full-length practice exams and domain quizzes and can be enhanced to also include our assessment exam, comprehensive study volumes, or digital flashcards. Get all, some, or none. The choice is yours!
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Everything you need to PASS the Clinical or Masters Level Exam in one complete bundle including our pass guarantee
Our Online Study Volumes are presented in a digital format covering the topics of the ASWB Exam.
Begin with an Assessment Exam, learn by taking practice tests, and take quizzes on specific areas of the ASWB Exam.
Study in small blocks of time. Support long-term memory by reviewing with these flashcards.
You’re not limited to the amount of exams you take. You have access to as many practice exams as you need.
Begin your studies with an Assessment Exam to determine your baseline score. Understand what the various exam domains look like and where to study.
Learn the content of the ASWB Exam in our Digital Study Volumes covering each domain area. Then test your knowledge with a Domain Quiz.
Simulate the actual ASWB Exam testing environment. Learn from over 800 practice test questions with unlimited access during your program.
Reinforce your content knowledge with detailed answer rationales included in each sample question. Get definitions and robust details of critical exam content.
Study in small batches with Domain Quizzes and practice key terms with over 500 virtual flashcards.
Track your progress and focus on your weaknesses. Your improved scores will help you identify when you’re ready for exam day.
Enhance your online program with these optional study materials available in hard copy
Get a concise and easy-to-understand review of the key exam concepts within each of the exam domains.
A must have set of over 500 Flashcards - the most effective way to study and retain key terms and definitions!
The DSM-5 Reference Guide is an easy reference guide to the major changes to the most recent DSM revision.