Academic Review has partnered with AATBS to provide the ultimate workshop experience. Get the right balance of individual attention and advanced EPPP content and test-taking strategies hosted by AATBS's expert instructors. With over 40 years of exam prep experience, AATBS's instructors have helped thousands of candidates pass their exam.
All the content covered in our In-Person Workshop broken down into topic-specific instructor-led online sessions.
The 5-session Online Coaching will help you stay focused while preparing for the exam and giving you weekly access to an expert instructor.
This 2-session workshop is perfect for candidates who need additional help in the statistics and test construction areas.
Give yourself an exam advantage from those who understand the exam best. Experienced instructors can guide your study plan and help you get motivated, cover key topics, identify areas to get started, help refine skills, and give you confidence. Our instructors have a proven track record and have helped thousands pass their exam.
Live Online does not mean previously recorded. Our online workshops are taught by a live instructors and provides you the opportunity to interact with our experts and have your questions answered. Select workshops include multiple sessions to help motivation and encourage participation.